• The Little Green Lifestyle,  Toxin Free Beauty

    Why Non Toxic Skincare Matters

    A goal of mine in 2019 is to eliminate the toxins from my home and daily routines. Skincare is a HUGE part of that. I switched to Primally Pure this fall and was so shocked to find the results were far more than skin deep. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and what you put on it matters. Topical creams soak into your bloodstream and can affect your whole entire body. These toxins can mimic your hormones causing an imbalance, which leads to a whole slew of side affects. Things like acne, energy levels, sex drive, brain fog, weight, irritability and fertility are all affected by your…

  • The Little Green Lifestyle,  Toxin Free Beauty

    Are Your Hormones Holding You Hostage?

    Can I let you in on a not-so-secret secret? I have struggled with acne for all of my adult life. While I was lucky enough to have clear skin in high school, once I left home, I swear my face turned red and bumpy overnight. I tried EVERYTHING I could think of – scouring the internet for the secret cream that was the answer I dreamed about. Every brand of acne face scrub I found, did nothing but burn, scratch and dry out my face. My poor skin flaked off and hurt. WHAT WAS I DOING WRONG? After speaking with and esthetician, I learned about how my diet can affect…