• The Little Green Lifestyle,  Toxin Free Beauty

    Are Your Hormones Holding You Hostage?

    Can I let you in on a not-so-secret secret? I have struggled with acne for all of my adult life. While I was lucky enough to have clear skin in high school, once I left home, I swear my face turned red and bumpy overnight. I tried EVERYTHING I could think of – scouring the internet for the secret cream that was the answer I dreamed about. Every brand of acne face scrub I found, did nothing but burn, scratch and dry out my face. My poor skin flaked off and hurt. WHAT WAS I DOING WRONG? After speaking with and esthetician, I learned about how my diet can affect…

  • Eco Friendly Swaps,  The Little Green Lifestyle,  Toxin Free Beauty

    My Top 5 Favorite Non Toxic Skincare Products

    I used to think this "non toxic" thing was just a fad made up by crunchy, oil diffusing mom bloggers. That was until I took a long hard look at my life. I was struggling with a decade long battle with my adult acne - and worse than that - I was filled with anxiety, had an extremely short temper and low energy levels. Through hours of research, I found that there was a link between the harmful chemicals we use on our skin and the hormonal balance within our body.